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Take Control of your Salesforce Reminders

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Take Control of your Salesforce Reminders

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While working on a record, a report, or just navigating your Salesforce, you may get reminder windows popping up at inappropriate times. Or quite the opposite, you may also forget important meetings or tasks, and wish to enable this popup feature. You can adjust these reminder settings.

You can gain greater control of your reminders without engaging your administrator. Stop that annoying chime. Adjust your popup reminders in your own Salesforce personal settings.
Start by clicking your name and going to setup. Then on the left go to Personal Setup, My personal information, and then Reminders, or just type in “Reminders” in the quick search.

Here you can customize your alerts to:

  • Trigger when reminders are due
  • Play a reminder sound
  • Set Default reminder times for Events and Tasks
  • Sort Reminder window by due date

If you don’t see your reminders, you may want to check your browser settings on how to enable your popup windows for a specific site.

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Because of Live Salesforce Training we were able to reduce expenses and increase profits significantly. They helped us see and develop a sustainable system.
Mike Perlmutter
  • Founder, Fibersense Technologies
  • Founder, Skylight Navigation